BC Ferries:
- Thetis/ Penelakut/ Chemainus from January 2, 2025
- all routes
"Busy Ferry" schedule - including Dangerous Cargo days and days with expected heavy traffic
Vessel location via:
BC Ferries vessel locator and Chemainus line-up webcam,
AIS Marine Traffic for all marine traffic
Webcam of Thetis line-up (updates every two minutes)
or an alternate view of the Thetis line-up, from BCF
BC Ferries general information:
- Click here for a downloadable pdf from BC Ferries on "How to Stay Informed on BC Ferries Sailings."
- BC Ferries Governance
- The complete Coastal Ferry Act
- The BC Ferry Commissioner
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Thetis Island Volunteer Fire Department:
Emergency, call 9-1-1, and identify if it is fire, medical or police -related.
Medical Emergencies
Current Fire Hazard rating:
(Click on the graphic below for further information)
Burn Permit Application
The T.I.V.F.D. website for extensive information about fire protection, burning regulations, and more.
(return to the top)
Currently Recurring Events & Activities:
(Occasionally subject to change - keep an eye on eSPOKES! If we're missing something you want included let us know!)
Library at Forbes Hall:
Regular open hours with a "Friend of the Library" in attendance, are Saturdays, 10am-1pm; Sundays from 1-4pm (sometimes including tea and treats), and Mondays from 10am-1pm. Also open for exchanging books anytime the Hall is open. Please note that there is a book-return drop box on the court side of the hall, for your convenience when the hall isn't open.
Community Church:
Every Sunday at 10:00am in Forbes Hall. Details here, or call Ernie Hunter at 250-252-0144
Tai Chi:
Open practice, Mondays at 10am, Forbes Hall. Classes expected to start in the fall. For information, contact Carol.
Serenity Group (AA), Mondays at 6:15pm, Forbes Hall. For information, contact Rodney.
Thursday evenings at 7pm, at Forbes Hall, whenever there are enough people for a game. If interested, contact Mary
Ukulele club:
Occasional Tuesday evenings at 7:00 pm, Forbes Hall. Everyone welcome. Watch eSpokes for specific dates.
Soup's On:
Wednesdays, 11:30am - 1pm (or earlier if they run out), Forbes Hall. Suggested donation, $7 per person. Stopped for the summer - watch for start-up in the fall.
Wednesdays, 1-4pm, Forbes Hall. For information, contact Gurk
TIVFD Drill Night:
Wednesdays at 7pm: Regular drill night for Firefighters and First Responders at the Firehall. If interested in joining the TIVFD or just wanting more information, email info@thetisislandfire.ca
Thursday evenings at 7pm, at Forbes Hall, whenever there are enough people for a game. If interested, contact Mary
Knitting Bee:
Fridays from 2-4pm: Knitting (and crocheting and other handcrafts) and socializing at Forbes Hall. Stopping for the summer - watch for start-up in the fall!
Road cycling is a popular activity on Thetis. For information about routes and informal events, call Dave Steen 250 246 3530.
Jollity Farm Market:
Saturdays from 10am - 2pm Spring through Fall: Go to the online order form to pre-order. For information, go to https://www.jollityfarm.ca/
To add an event that we haven't thought of, email us.